Work ergonomics

Work ergonomics

Workshops on work ergonomics – as a must-have post-pandemic form of work. Our trainings respond to the needs of administrative employees (both in offices and remotely) and many other positions that are often not mentioned in the context of ergonomics. This applies to all employees who may perform their tasks in not necessarily appropriate positions or conditions, which in turn may affect various types of occupational diseases resulting from this. This group includes people who are in one position at work for a long time.

During our workshops, we emphasize the importance of a safe workplace, proper body position and position, lighting, noise and breaks. We are often unaware of the long-term health consequences of non-compliance with the above issues.
We organize workshops, shows, exercises, both live and online. We work with specialists in the field of rehabilitation, medicine and various types of relaxation exercises, e.g. yoga or tai chi. We respond to the individual needs and problems of the client, arranging the subject matter and the program of classes directly in line with his expectations.

Sela BHP - ergonomia pracy
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