OHS Documentation

OHS documentation

The basic role of the employer is to ensure safe and hygienic working conditions, but also to document such a state of affairs. According to Polish law, EVERY COMPANY is OBLIGATORY to create appropriate documentation.

Well-kept documentation regulates the issues of occupational health and safety in the company. It is a description and guidelines for the functioning of the SECURITY SYSTEM in your company. It also allows you to avoid problems related to the inspections of the National Labor Inspectorate, the National Sanitary Inspection or the State Fire Service.

Sela BHP - dokumentacja BHP
Sela BHP - dokumentacja BHP

Why is health and safety documentation so important?

Care for proper documentation contributes to reducing the risk of accidents at work and creating awareness of safe work among employees. If you have doubts about how documentation can reduce the risk of accidents, recall the Occupational Risk Assessment document or the Safe Work Instructions.

It is HERE that the employer informs you about the THREATS at your workplace, WHAT TO PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO and, above all, HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF.

What documents must you have?

The type of necessary OHS documentation depends on many factors, such as the profile of the company, its size, or the level of organizational culture.

List of sample health and safety documentation:

The type of necessary OHS documentation depends on many factors, such as the profile of the company, its size, or the level of organizational culture.

  1. Risk assessment
  2. Annual Health and Safety Analysis
  3. Post-accident documentation of accidents on the way to and from work
    • Explanations of the victim
    • Explanations of the witnesses
    • Accident report
    • Post-accident recommendations
    • Accident Statistics Card
  4. OHS registers:
    • OHS Training Register
    • Register of Harmful Agents
    • Register of Mutagens and Carcinogens
    • Register of Hazardous Substances
    • Register of Accidents at Work
    • Register of Occupational Diseases
    • Register of Test Results and Measurements of Harmful Factors
    • Register of Machines and Devices subject to Technical Inspection
  5. OHS procedures
  6. Health and Safety Policy
  7. Safety instructions
  8. Safety instructions for devices, machines, tools
  9. OHS Training Programs
  10. Safe Work Instructions (IBWR)
  11. Safety and Health Protection Plan (BIOZ)
  12. Health and Safety Regulations:
    • Ordinance on OHS Training
    • Ordinance on the Allocation of Clothing and Work Shoes
    • Order on the allocation of personal protective equipment
    • Management about the appointment of the Health and Safety Committee
  13. Inspection and measurement results:
    • Building
    • Electrical, lightning and gas installations
    • Illumination
    • Fire protection equipment.
  14. Company Health and Safety Development Plan
  15. Workplace health and safety inspection reports
  16. Adaptation of machines to the minimum requirements

Do you need a consultation in this area? Contact us – we will verify and tell you what documents are necessary in your company.

What should you pay attention to while keeping OHS documentation and how do Sela OHS Specialists do it?

Do you want to be sure that the health and safety documentation in your company is complete and correct? Call and make an appointment with our OHS Specialist. We will audit the documentation, update and organize this area. Document inspections by PIP confirmed our professionalism, extensive experience and knowledge in this area.

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